IonCleanse Foot Detox Bath
Service Description
How the IonCleanse® System Works The array is placed in the water with the hands, feet or other body parts. When turned on, the control unit delivers a clean, filtered current to the array, which does two things. First, it elicits a relaxation response in the body. Second, the current causes the array metals, in combination with the water and salt, to generate positively and negatively charged ions. These ions draw on oppositely charged toxins from the relaxed body in the water. For the purpose of IonCleanse® discussions, positive and negative relate to electrical, rather than chemical, phenomena. When the IonCleanse® is set of positive, the current flows to the positive pole in the array, which results in more negative ions being produced in the water: 4H2 O+4e__>2H2 +4OH-. In this polarity hydrogen has "smokes" from the array, and an abundance of negatively charged ions are left in the water. Therefore, positive polarity generates a negative ion concentration. When the IonCleanse® is set on negative, the current flows to the negative pole in the array, which results in more positive ions being produced in the water: 2H2 O__>O2+4H+ +4e-. In this polarity oxygen gas is released from the water, and an abundance of positivity charged ions are left in the water. Therefore, negative polarity generates a positive ion concentration. This process is known as the electrolysis of water. Ionization is familiar process. However, the concept of using ionization in a foot bath, such as the IonCleanse® by AMD, is a relatively new idea. In nature, ions are generated by the movement of water molecules. Think of how good you feel while walking along a beach or near a waterfall. We are creating the same reaction with IonCleanse® process, only magnified many times over.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24hrs in advance to avoid being charged.
Contact Details
3131 West 76th Street, Davenport, IA, USA